
European Dinner on the 114th English Weekend
Recipes from Estonia



Starter „Sudden“
Fillet whitefish or salmon, chop finely. Chop onion finely, mix with fish. Season with sea salt, lemon juice and pepper. Chill in the refrigeraator. Eat with black or white bread, a sip of cold vodka is appropriate.

Snowball soup

1 l milk
5 eggs
4 tblsp sugar

Whisk the egg whites, add 1 tbls of sugar, whisk until stiff. Slip egg white dumplings into boiling milk, heat a moment from both sides, remove and put aside. Whisk the remaining egg yolks with sugar, add a litte hot milk and vanilla, and pour the yolks into the hot milk. Stir and heat until it thickens. Serve milk with dumplings in dessert bowls. 

Cheese curds
200 g of curds
2 tbls sugar
50 g butter
100 g dark chocolate
50 g whipping cream

Mix curds, soft butter, sugar and vanilla. Put the mixture into cupcake forms and freeze. Melt the chocolate with cream and butter. Dip the frozen curds into the mixture, cool in fridge.